BBC Radio 4 TV
The overarching campaign idea, ‘Radio Four Curious Minds’, formed the basis for these two films for PM and comedy.
For both films, Projections in real space juxtapose different pieces of content to create interest. For PM, a sense of news and events happening continually, contextualised by Eddie Mairs’ voiceover and a typographic treatment mirroring the vocal.
For the comedy film we see two projections, a man being controlled by a force he cannot see, which as the camera pans, revealed to us in the second projection as a games joystick.
The projection idea also moved into off-air, and was used at the Latitude festival for Radio 4 comedy, projecting into mist over the lake. This lake projection has since become a fixture at Latitude.
BBC Radio 4.
Radio Four Curious Minds.
Comedy TV spot
In this TV spot for Radio 4 comedy, projections in real space tell the narrative in a curious and engaging way.
The comedy theme is reflected by the two projections, a man being controlled by a force he cannot see, which as the camera pans, revealed to us in the second projection as a games joystick.
PM with Eddie Mair, TV spot
Projections in real space juxtapose different pieces of content to create a sense of news and events happening continually. All of this is contextualised by Eddie Mair’s voiceover and a typographic treatment mirroring the vocal.
The projection idea could be moved into off-air, and was used at the Latitude festival for Radio 4 comedy.